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Be part of our lively Buddhist community in Southampton

Water Droplets


All are welcome at our drop-in classes and parent sangha. At meetings for regulars, we deepen our connections and our practice. Scroll down for listings.  

Don't miss Parinirvana Day on Saturday 15 February. This festival calls to mind the Buddha Shakyamuni's final days and death. It's one of the most important dates in our ritual year. Drop into individual sessions, or stay for the whole programme:

10 am – 11 am: Learn to meditate
11 am – 11.30 am: Tea break
11.30 am – 1 pm: Going deeper, with a talk on the meaning of Parinirvana
1 pm – 2 pm: Lunch – please bring vegetarian/vegan food to share
2 pm – 2.50 pm: Mettā bhavana meditation
2.50 pm – 3.10 pm: Silent break
3.10 pm – 4 pm: Puja (devotional ritual)
4 pm – 4.30 pm: Festival ends

All shrine room sessions from 11.30 am onwards will also be available via Zoom.

There may be more activities too. Keep an eye on Facebook and Instagram for updates.

Events for all

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Learn to meditate

Drop-in class for beginners, or for anyone who wants a refresher. With time for tea and a chat afterwards.

​When: Every Saturday, 10 am – 11 am
Format: In person at the centre


Going deeper

Drop-in session of teaching and meditation. For those who are familiar with Triratna meditation practices. 

​When: Every Saturday, tea 11 am, teaching and meditation 11.30 am – 1 pm
Format: In person at the centre
Can't get here? Use Zoom (starts 11.30 am)


Parent sangha

An afternoon for Buddhist parents to share with their children and friends. Snacks, chat and fun.

When: Saturday 22 February, 1.30 pm – 3 pm

Format: In person at the centre

Email for more info:

Events for regulars


Women's morning

Meet other women and share your experience of practising the Dharma.
When: 2nd Sunday of every month, 10 am – 12 noon
Format: Online

Zoom link: Here

Dharma training for men

Join other men to deepen your practice and understanding.

Format: In person at the centre

Email for more info:


Take time out from your everyday life for a deeper experience of yourself and others.

Once or twice a year, we go on retreat together in the countryside. It's opportunity to make real strides in our lives, practice and friendships.

Our next retreat is 15–17 August 2025 at Rivendell Buddhist Retreat Centre, East Sussex. Book now.

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Your generosity keeps us going

Most of our events run on a donation basis.
The more you give, the more we can spread the Buddha’s teaching.

Ask for a Gift Aid form to make your gift go further.

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