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Get involved
Ready to go deeper? Join our community as a Mitra
If you want to deepen your practice, we’ll help you take the next step.
For some people, that means going on a retreat. For others, it might mean training for ordination.

But one very important step is to become a Mitra. Mitra means "friend".
You become a Mitra by taking part in a simple ceremony. It's a way of affirming:
You consider yourself a Buddhist
You want to practise as part of the Triratna community
Mitras can also take a four-year Dharma training course.
If you want to discuss getting more involved, do contact us. We'll be delighted to hear from you.
Email the women's Mitra convenor: Kalyanatara
Email the men's Mitra convenor: Dhammavijaya
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